2nd Annual Spring Artisan Faire
Time: Set up from 7 am to 9 am. Faire from 10 am to 3 pm
Where: Dutch Flat Community Center, Stockton Street, Dutch Flat
Table Fee: $20.00 per 8′ Table; up to 2 tables per person
Registration Due Date: March 15, 2018
Send your check to: Laura Glassco, P.O.Box 243, Dutch Flat, CA 95714
Make your check payable to: Dutch Flat Community Center
A couple of reminders:
1. All artwork must be handmade by the Artist.
2. Please no resale items or commercially manufactured items.
3. Set up will be from 7-9 am Saturday May 5. No set up the night before or prior to 7 am.
4. Each Artist will act as their own cashier.
5. Register early. There is limited space available.
6. After the downstairs is full, then the upstairs will be assigned.
7. Therefore sign up early in order to insure a downstairs table assignment.
If you know of an Artist that was not at last year’s event, please forward this invitation to them. Last year’s attendance was approximately 250 customers. Our goal is to have 400+ at this year’s Faire! Feel free to call me at 916 778 8308 with any questions or concerns.