Valentines For Vets….and More!
Since 1999, the Colfax Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 2003 Auxiliary has organized the collection of homemade “Valentines for Vets” for distribution to veterans at the Reno VA Hospital, Mather Hospital, Auburn VA Clinic, Yountville Veterans Home and Placer County military service members serving in Afghanistan (through the Navy League’s ‘Touch of Home’ mailing). This year, due to numerous shootings of law enforcement officers and the immense efforts our fire fighters and first responders have extended in ‘answering the call’, we are also distributing Valentines to those Placer County first responders as well. Scouting groups, churches, seniors, youth groups and individuals are all invited to participate in making Valentines. Please limit the size to 8” x 11”; individual envelops are not necessary. Collection boxes for the Valentines are located at the Colfax Chamber of Commerce (alongside the train depot museum), the Colfax City Library, and the Auburn Journal. Please include group or individual name and mailing address with donated Valentines. For more information, contact Beth Murphy at 530-637-4893. Our veterans and first responders who have served and continue to serve their country will appreciate your generous efforts. Deadline is: February 9.