The Colfax Garden Club will be having our spring plant sale May 8th at Roy Toms Plaza, downtown Colfax, from 8AM to12PM. Available for sale will be plants grown & donated by our members. We also have a variety of garden tools, pots, and other items donated for sale. This sale will be a “simply Read more
WORKSHOP AGENDA Enhancing Public Communication Opportunities 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Summation of communication issues 4. Brainstorming 5. Discussion and prioritization 6. Items for follow-up/action 7. Adjournment Read more
Thanks to a generous donation from the Colfax Lioness and Auxiliary: We are putting on a Spaghetti Dinner for 6th grade Science Camp! Tickets are $10.00 a person or a family of 4 (with children) for $25.00. This includes spaghetti, garlic bread, salad, drink and a little dessert!! We will also have a gift basket Read more