SAVE THE DATE – Saturday, April 3, 2021 @ 10AM!! Colfax CA Lions Club is planning an “Easter Egg Hunt” event. Due to covid restrictions, and no crystal ball to see the future, we do not know what form the event will be… options such as “Egg-plorer” traditional egg hunt, an “Egg-cellent Adventure” truck event,
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It’s going to happen! Tell all your friends and even people you don’t know. If you want to participate or volunteer get in contact with Fred or Reene at or through your facebook page.
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We will have a choir, string ensemble and bells. The Colfax community will really enjoy it.
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Sourdough Bakery Workshop Sunday, March 10th 9:00-1:30 Breakfast included! $75 Fun times await you and your friends and family! Our sourdough baking starts with a waffle breakfast, then we form loaves, make dough, and bake your bread. Each student receives the bread they formed and baked to take home (makes the car ride home smell
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